ChESS Events

ChESS events are the best way to be a part of the Chemical Engineering community at McGill! As always, check out our Facebook page for all upcoming events

Upcoming Events

Our Favorites

Camping Trip

A tradition dating all the way back to 2017, the ChESS camping trip! A great way to enjoy the summer sun before heading into the frigid Montreal winter. Swimming, BBQing, games, hiking and more. Preference is given to U1 for sign ups, so there is no better way to get to know your future classmates.


After a long semester of assignments, labs, and midterms everyone is looking for a break. In both fall and winter semester ChESS puts on a banquet for all Chemical Engineering students. Always full of food, laughs, and general shenanigans, fall and winter banquet are the perfect way to cap off the semester.

CSChE Confernece

The Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering hosts an annual conference for Chemical Engineers from all across Canada. It is a great place to network with professionals, add a few connections on LinkedIn, and learn about what you can do with your degree. With conference locations such as Toronto, Halifax and Ottawa upcoming, you'll also get to do a little bit of travelling with your fellow students.

Apartment Crawl

Legend has it that the earliest form of Chemical Engineering was the art of brewing beer. In an attempt to better understand this mystifying fluid and its magical properties ChESS hosts an apartment crawl in both Fall and Winter semester! With options for drinking, non-drinking, and gluten-free, everyone is sure to have a good time.